The Value of Being a Selkie in the Sea

Rebecca Acheson
2 min readAug 4, 2020

There is something about being a selkie in the sea that connects you to the waves of time

Looking at the stars and understanding that what you’re seeing are the remnants of moments that have long passed

Feeling the gentle movements of waves pass around you and push and pull you ever so slightly

The water slips in to the moment, taking you with it

Becoming one with the currents of time as you relax and realize that the water and the moment are holding you, guiding you, gently pressing you forward and holding you back

Certainty is not what we’re here for but to be in this flow and be one with the moments around us as they push and pull and bring us together with those who came before, under the stars that are themselves memories long since passed, here to remind us that even things long forgotten can burn bright and ever present, reflecting on the sea waters, imparting such beauty and awe

Things long since gone, moments that changed us, stars that burned so bright and no longer exist, whose beauty is only reaching us now

It’s okay that we missed it

That burning ember, that moment that might have changed everything



Rebecca Acheson

Canadian living in New Zealand. I love nature and muse occasionally about how my mind interacts with the world we’re all sharing.